Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Resist the fear...

*are you tired and sad? Find it difficult to get through the day?...* The advert on the TV said as I lay on the hotel bed waiting for CJ to get ready.

"Well, if she takes much longer getting ready then I could see my way to being like that" I said. To the TV. Oh God, I'm going mad. Is that a sign too? I half expected the next line to be: *Do you find yourself talking to the TV?*

"Did you say something"
said CJ as she popped her head round the bathroom door.

"No, nothing. It was just the TV" I lied. I'm not admitting talking to the TV, and I'm especially not admitting talking to the TV about CJ to CJ.

*...then you could be clinically depressed*
it resumed.

I wondered about it for a split second, yes I get tired. Hmmmmm....

*Ring blah, blah to talk to one of our professionally trained counsellors* it finished.

*Do you worry about the cost of funerals?* the next advert begun before I'd had time to dianose myself.

"Well I didn't until I found out I'm clinically depressed, and now the thought of funeral costs has sent me spiralling" I whispered.

*Do you want to burden your family with the cost of laying you to rest?* It ended.

Oh no, first depression, now funerals. My life is a mess.

*Did you know that a person in America is seriously asaulted every second? (waiver: I think that's what they said)* There seemt to be a theme coming through these adverts. It's a wonder Americans step out of their doors every day.

"Ready!" CJ announced.

"Shall we stay in? I'm not sure I want to go out anymore"